Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Month of March Update!

So, when we last left off, our hero, Jack Tong, had just returned from a trip to Kona, Hawaii. I'm here to tell you, that much has happened since that trip in the beginning of March.

Just kidding.

Students at Lee prophesying over their school
Okay, since that trip to Kona where the Lord showed up in miraculous ways, lots has happened. During the month of March, I flew back out to the East Coast for a tour through the Midwest which would take us to Tennessee, Oklahoma and then to Missouri

In Tennessee, we connected with the 
Luke 18 Project, a ministry out of the International House of Prayer, for a conference at Lee University. During this conference, many students came from the University and received greater levels of freedom and were commissioned to do the mighty works of God! 

From there, we drove to Oklahoma where we had some friends. There we had a few opportunities for ministry and lots of opportunities for connections. 

The first ministry opportunity allowed us to minister to a wild group of high school students. One of our team members shared her testimony of how she experienced a mini revival in her high school and stirred these students up with a passion to do the same! It was so amazing to see such a young group so fiery for the Lord!

This next one was definitely one of my favorites. We were able to meet and spend quality time with a family of 10 or so. They were so hungry and so passionate about Jesus, we instantly became a part of the family. We were able to worship with them and prophesy and speak into their lives, which was an incredible privilege for us. I am looking forward to seeing them as they have decided to come out to one of our Circuit Rider schools
Oral Roberts University

While in Oklahoma, we were able to visit Oral Roberts University where we made some solid connections with the hopes of working with them in the future. We are setting up for a huge and wild move of God through Oral Roberts that will launched them fully into the nations of the earth!!

Out of Oklahoma, we made our way to Kansas City, Missouri to visit some friends at IHOP and also to connect further with the leaders of the Luke 18 Project. We were able to share vision and build relationship with them. They are running with a similar vision to see the universities of America catalyzed. They are so amazing and we are looking forward to partnering with them!!

The Lord is moving in all the different regions of America! We are hearing about it, seeing it, experiencing it everywhere we travel! 
Pour out Your Spirit, God! 
We are stirred and awaiting Your great move!

Well friends, that was the month of March. After this tour, I made a trip home for a bit of a while. It was a season of hardship, rest and revelation. I haven't written a revelation blog in a bit, I might do that next. I will be sure to write about my time at home.